2017 / iberian.propery // 89
Construction in 2018
Subject to licensing and approvals, Vilamoura World aims to start con-
struction in 2018. Uptown is expected to launch when the property-tour-
istic demand in Portugal is at its highest,
«Uptown will represent a unique
opportunity to investors who wish to capitalise on one of the leading regions
of tourism in Portugal»
, states Vilamoura World.
Uptown will be developed in four stages and involves the creation of 190
new units, a hotel, touristic apartments and retail. The residential area of
Uptown includes apartments and townhouses, of one to four bedrooms.
The innovative architectural approach and landscaping will maximise
privacy, while also revealing the site’s panoramic beauty.
Large and fresh public spaceswillallowresidents to live outside, socialise and
connectwith otherswhile enjoying a range of activities. TheMain Square in
Uptown, will open onto a lively shopping area that operates throughout the
year. Incidentally, investment has alreadybegun, with the opening in 2016 of
Chef Olivier’s famous
“Praia naVilla”
restaurant, and in 2017
Uptown is connected to the200-hectareEnvironmentalPark, anareawhichwill
have amajorfocus on agriculture, families, andeducation.TheEnvironmental
Park merges the two central zones of Vilamoura, the Marina, and Uptown.
«Uptown sets a new urban vision and defines a fresh tone for Vilamoura»
«Uptown sets
a new urban
vision and
defines a
fresh tone for