2017 / iberian.propery // 7
ISSUE: TOP IBERIAN cities //events
Iberian Property Summit
Organised by Iberian Property, the Iberian
Property Summit took place on 20 June at
the Hyatt Regency – The Churchill, in Lon-
don, and included the participation ofmore
than 20 renowned speakers. It was, ac-
cording to the organisation,
“a real success”.
In this first edition, the event received sup-
port fromthemain associations andbodies
that mobilise real estate investment on a
global, European and national scale, in-
cluding RICS – Royal Institution of Char-
tered Surveyors, EPRA – European Public
Real Estate Association, and ULI – Urban
Land Institute. ASPRIMA – Asociacíon de
Promotores Inmobiliarios de Madrid, ACI –
Asociacíon Española deEmpresas deCon-
sultoría Inmobiliário, APFIPP – Associação
Portuguesa dos Fundos de Investimento,
Pensões e de Património are APPII – As-
sociação Portuguesa dos Promotores e
Investidores Imobiliários, were the Iberian
entities associatedwith theevent,whichwas
sponsored by CBRE and Uría Menéndez.
some of themajor global giants in the investment
industry, such as Castelake, CBRE GI, Blackstone,
AXAREIM and Schroeders, amongmany others.
There was also contribution from the main SO-
CIMIS and listed companies in Spain – such as
Colonial, Neinor and Hispania – aswell as SAREB,
the company that manages the disinvestment
process of Spanish banks in real estate assets.
Development and residential prod-
ucts are increasingly attractive
In other words, while Madrid, Lisbon and Bar-
celona and the offices, retail, hotel and logistics
segments still tend to be the principal focus of real
estate investment in Iberia, this conferencemade it
clear that, due to the rise in demand for this region,
investors nowconsider purchasing assets located
in other Iberian cities and in alternative segments.
Entering real estate development projects as an
alternative to purchasing consolidated income
assets is one of the possibilities, and assets aimed
for the Spanish residential rentalmarketwere also
pointed out as interesting options.
Average ticket size continues to rise
Exponential growth in bothmarkets and the evi-
dent recovery of the Iberian economy, confirmed
in an analysis by the economist Daniel Lacalle,
are other factors noted by investors, who also
mentioned the healthy rise in the average ticket
size, in a market where sustainable returns are
beating European records.
According to data presented by MSCI at the
event, even despite the most challenging years
faced by the Iberian economies, the property
market in Iberia has generated investors an av-
erage annual return of 7% over the past 16 years.
The Iberian real estate market
«is truly vibrant,
full of opportunities and, at themoment, extremely
, stated Rupert Nabarro, Chairman of
the event, founder of IPD (nowpart of MSCI) and
one of themost recognised names in the British
real estate community.
Brexit: challenge or opportunity?
The impact of the United Kingdom’s exit from the
European Unionwas another topic on the table. In
the opinion of the event’s participants, one of the
main advantages of Brexit for the Iberian property
market will be in occupier markets, considering
the relocation potential not only of European
institutions, but of companies that aim to interact
with European markets in an open regime and
will no longer be able to do so from London.
Nonetheless, everyone agreed that, until the
negotiations of the exit conditions are completed,
it is hard to predict the negative effects of Brexit
on the UK and the rest of Europe.
Francisco Horta e Costa, CBRE Lisbon
Mikel Marco Gardoqui, CBRE Spain; Javier Hortelano,
Catella Asset Management; Pedro Coelho, Square
Asset Management; Paulo Sarmento, Meyer Bergman
Tim Kesseler, EPRA; Juan Velayos, Neinor Homes;
Cristina García-Peri, Hispania; Carmina Ganyet,
ColonialPedro Coelho, Square Asset Management;
Paulo Sarmento, Meyer Bergman