Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data Collected from | Cities values were estimated by Iberian Property from Assets Under Management value.

Thor Equities Group owns property in key urban markets throughout the United States, Europe, Canada and Latin America, with portfolio transactions and a development pipeline in excess of $10 billion and totaling more than 20 million square feet. Founded by Chairman Joseph J. Sitt, Thor Equities is based in New York City with offices in London, Paris, Mexico City, New York and Chicago. The company specializes in identifying and maximizing the value of its holdings, and generating strong returns for investors.


Player Type
Qualified Investors
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Joseph J. Sitt

Joseph J. Sitt

Melissa Gliatta

Melissa Gliatta


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