
IBI Lion buys a portfolio of 14 bank branches for €33M

IBI Lion buys a portfolio of 14 bank branches for €33M

IBI Lion, managed by IBI Investment House Ltd, Israeli pension funds and insurance company and private investors, and Lion Investment Group, has purchased a portfolio of 14 bank branches for a total of €33 million. The Socimi, which is listed on BME Growth, continues its investments in Spain with various locations throughout the territory.

The fourteen bank branches are in Catalonia (5), Madrid (3), Castilla y León (2), Aragón, Andalucía, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura and are leased to a Spanish bank.

As reported by BME Growth, IBI Lion Santa S.L.U. will finance the acquisition of such assets through a combination of financing from third parties and own resources.

On June 28, the socimi debuted on BME Growth with an initial valuation of 28 million euros. The company, founded in 2021, focuses its strategy on the acquisition of core plus retail, office and logistics assets in the main European cities. IBI Lion seeks real estate with high income-generating potential with the aim of creating a significant portfolio of non-residential rental assets.

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