
EMVS Madrid to build 1,300 affordable public rental housing units in Los Ahijones

EMVS Madrid to build 1,300 affordable public rental housing units in Los Ahijones

Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda y Suelo de Madrid (EMVS Madrid) plans to increase its portfolio with the construction of approximately 1,300 affordable rental homes in Los Ahijones, an emerging urban development in the district of Vicálvaro. This initiative will significantly expand Madrid City Council's public housing stock.

Álvaro González, Delegate for Housing Policies and President of EMVS Madrid, commented during his visit to the land where these properties will be built: "Madrid City Council is working to promote and build new affordable rental housing. This effort will take shape here, where we will soon provide thousands of public housing units for the citizens of Madrid".

The project will be carried out in two phases. The first includes around 640 homes, the result of public-private partnerships, whose tendering will begin in the coming months and is expected to be completed in 2027. The second phase, which will start in 2025, includes the construction of 250 homes managed directly by EMVS and around 400 homes to be built under the surface right model.

This public-private partnership will allow people with incomes of up to 5.5 times the IPREM to access these homes, extending the offer to a segment of the population that exceeds the current limit of 3.5 times the IPREM, but often cannot access the free rental market. González stated that "the City Council is creating a real supply of affordable rental housing for all citizens, especially for families in formation and young people who wish to become independent".

The rental conditions will ensure that EMVS Madrid tenants pay no more than 30% of their household income, whether in housing managed directly or through public-private partnerships. In addition, new construction in Los Ahijones will take into account the needs of the local population and meet the highest standards of quality, comfort and energy efficiency.

Public housing in Madrid

In parallel, EMVS Madrid will begin the tendering and construction of nearly 2,000 new homes in another major urban development project, Los Berrocales. As in Los Ahijones, a public-private construction approach will be adopted to increase the supply of public housing and contribute to the reduction of rental prices in the capital.

Los Ahijones, with a total area of 5.7 million square metres, will become a modern and sustainable neighbourhood, equipped with residential, commercial, sports and green areas. This project will be home to nearly 19,000 homes, 56% of which will have some form of official protection.

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