
Housfy moves its offices to Barcelona's 22@ technology district

Housfy moves its offices to Barcelona's 22@ technology district

The real estate and home services platform, Housfy, has moved its offices to the 22@ technology district of Barcelona, with the advice of Forcadell. The new facilities, which occupy 1,350 square meters and are fully equipped, represent an improvement in space and comfort compared to the previous ones. In addition, they offer more opportunities for meetings, training and event organization with partners and clients, while maintaining Housfy's location in the innovation district, where they have been operating for the past five years.

The platform offers services related to housing, such as buying and selling real estate, mortgage and financial intermediation, rentals, as well as home services such as renovations or removals.

The new Housfy offices, located on Carrer Tánger in Barcelona, include a large double-height atrium, consisting of two floors of open space and an auditorium. Located at street level, the space is characterized by its furniture, equipment and plug & play infrastructure. This office model, which provides the necessary facilities to start working immediately, has become very much in demand, as highlighted in Forcadell's latest report on the office market.

The office space has been in high demand, as highlighted in Forcadell's latest report on the office market.

According to Manel de Bes, director of the office department of Forcadell, "The trend of companies when looking for offices continues to have the worker and his comfort at the center of the decision. In the real estate sector we are also seeing a growing trend towards ready-to-occupy offices. In this sense, De Bes highlights that "Housfy's operation is a good example of these two trends: they have sought a space close to their previous offices, but more up to date".

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