
New additions to BME Scaleup

New additions to BME Scaleup

The Market Coordination and Incorporation Committee has assessed that the companies Inbest GPF I Socimi, Inbest GPF II Socimi and Inbest GPF V Socimi comply with the necessary requirements for their incorporation to the BME Scaleup. The Boards of Directors of these companies have established an initial listing price of one euro per share, valuing the companies at €14.8 million, €12.6 million and €13.6 million, respectively.

Deloitte Auditores acts as Registered Advisor to these companies, which are mainly engaged in the acquisition and management of mixed-use real estate assets in prime locations in major cities of the Iberian Peninsula. These activities are carried out through the participation in six investment companies that manage six assets in Aranjuez, Córdoba, Madrid and Seville.

BME Scaleup is a market aimed at scaleups, companies with an established business model and in an accelerated growth phase, with at least three years of activity and a turnover or investment of at least one million euros. This market is also open to SMEs, socimis and family-owned companies seeking to access the capital markets for the first time, offering transparency to investors and simplifying the incorporation process.

Companies wishing to list on BME Scaleup must be public companies, have a board of directors, be accompanied by a registered advisor and publish audited annual accounts. No liquidity provider is required and no minimum percentage of shares in free circulation is required.

Currently, BME Scaleup has 14 Registered Advisors and offers companies the possibility to boost their growth through financing, increase their prestige and visibility, expand their investor base, foster inorganic growth and improve the attraction and retention of talent.

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