From his point of view, “the market could continue to record positive growth, but for this to happen, it is necessary to invest in a strategy of pure development, in the sense that all the market conditions to respond effectively to current demand requirements must be created.”. Additionally, in the opinion of the representative from Worx, urban renewal will continue to be of great importance in the development of the Portuguese market in 2017.
Notwithstanding its reduced size compared to other European destinations, the availability of assets, and the favourable risk/return profile will continue to be the major factors in attracting investment to the Portuguese market in 2017. “There is a triggering of a cycle beneficial to the real estate sector, which will continue backed up by investment and return opportunities which the Portuguese market continues to offer and which is currently benefitting from circumstantial problems facing other European countries, as is the case in the United Kingdom, Germany and France, where more significant falls in the volume of transactions in 2016 were recorded”, concluded Pedro Rutkowski.