Just between January and April, it released a total of 5,720 properties, totalling their own assets and those which are guarantees on loans to the developer managing the business, an increase compared to the previous year.
According to a company release, 3,260 of their own properties were put on the market, 87% more than the same period as last year, with growth in sales in several market segments. Property sale went up 74%, while the disposal of land went up 272%. The marketing of logistics and commercial assets went up 806%.
Also according to Spanish Real Estate, Sareb, with a 45% share for the state via Frob, explain that the assets in the developer’s balance have also benefitted from the commercial reactivation, going from 1,233 in the first quarter of last year to 2,460 units at the end of April this year.
According to the society, Sareb sold 14,097 properties in 2016, an advance of 25% over the year before, according to the annual report of 2016. Sareb’s President, Jaime Echegoyen, commented that, “These results show the success of commercial campaigns, as well as agility and growing coordination being shown by the four property servicers helping us to manage our portfolio, Altamira, Haya, Servihabitat and Solvia,” he said, according to the same source.