Office investment in Barcelona reaches record €1.700M

Office investment in Barcelona reaches record €1.700M

These are the estimates from Savills Aguirre Newman’s latest study which was presented this Monday. The study also highlights that, until the end of the year, between 300 and 400 million euro will be spent on operations in this segment, to which should be added the 1.400 million already invested this year. In terms of office area, the year should finish with more than 500.000 sqm traded. 

International investors were responsible for the majority of operations in the Catalan capital; around 75%, against 25% by domestic investors, revealed the study.

Anna Gener, CEO & President of Savills Aguirre Newman Barcelona, commented: «With notable deals such as Diagonal 00, Torre Tarragona and Torre Auditori, all completing in the last 12 months, it is clear that 2019 has been a year to remember. We have seen levels of investment not seen for many years and, with the majority of capital originating from overseas, it seems Barcelona has marked itself firmly on the map for funds looking to invest in Spain».

The volume of investment should proceed at a good pace next year and generate a balance between offer and demand, explained Anna Gener to daily newspaper Eje Prime which was present at the study’s presentation.


Last Update at 11:54 a.m. 19/12/2019

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