The asset, which is part of a complex consisting of two twin buildings, was constructed in 2008 and has a 13.500 sqm buildable area spread across 5 floors, 1 restaurant, 4 warehouses and 487 parking spots, revealed the consultant in a release. According to daily newspaper Eje Prime, this building was sold by Draba.
Alei Center I is located in the main street of the Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía and is currently fully leased to OP Plus, an operational back services company from BBVA.
On this operation, Álvaro Alonso, Managing Director at Colliers International and in charge of the transaction, commented in a release that «we are very happy for having concluded such a complex operation, since it came from a situation of insolvency, on which we advised our client throughout the whole process, in terms of financial strategy, due diligence and the later management of the building».