Neinor Homes markets Saler Homes in Valencia

Neinor Homes markets Saler Homes in Valencia

Neinor Homes has begun the delivery of the Saler Homes promotion, made up of 100 sustainable homes in Valencia, after obtaining the First Occupancy License (LPO).

The complex, which stands out for its exterior architecture, has common areas such as a swimming pool, gym, gourmet area and children’s playgrounds. As in other projects, the company has opted for sustainability and energy saving, so the promotion has the European Certificate of Sustainability BREEAM.

The company has five projects in the province that total almost 800 units and represent an investment for the area of around 200 million euros. Recently, the company has announced a new development in one of the residential areas with the largest urban expansion, Torre en Conill.

«An exciting project, which comes to satisfy the current demand for this type of housing that was not being served and that promises to be just as unique as all the projects that Neinor is developing in the Community», highlights Sixto Bayo, territorial director of Neinor Homes in Valencia.

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