This edition celebrates the fair’s 25th anniversary, it will host 8.500 participants, including retailers, pure players, shopping centres, cities, leisure operators, workplaces and hotels.
Since 1995, MAPIC’s inaugural year, the fair has had as its goal to «gather retailers, developers, cities, investors and experts so as to understand and boost lifestyle destinations and shopping centres, attracting participants from more than 80 countries».
Throughout all these years, MAPIC evolved along with the consumer habits which led to a reimagining of commercial destinations. According to the release, MAPIC reflected on these changes and took the lead by boosting leisure, catering, innovation and the challenges of the new retail mix.
For TRUEBROKER’s director, Pablo Beltrán, this fair allows him to «learn new things about the sector, debate in an open and inclusive way and share diverse and cross-sectional visions, make quality and distinct contacts and to be able to hear and be heard in debates with people who are able to bring new ideas to the table».
«MAPIC offers an opportunity to make our company known to new clients, both national and international. It is a global showcase, where we can present our experience and our know how, so that new companies can know us and become our clients. This is our 4th/5th year at MAPIC and every year we achieved our goals», commented Guillermo Gallardo, SERVAR’s general manager.