Florette buys terrain to invest €13M in logistics

Florette buys terrain to invest €13M in logistics

The terrain, located in Tortosa y L’Aldeafoi within the Catalunya Sud complex, was sold by the Institut Català del Sòl (Incasòl) during the pandemic after 2 years of negotiations for over 1 million euro, revealed newspaper La Vanguardia.

The agri-food company intends to construct two new logistic units within this terrain, in order to expand its business. The first one to be developed will have 5.000 sqm. The other unit will have 6.000 sqm and will be built at a later time. With this bet, the company expects to create 200 direct jobs.

This is one of 5 parcels that Incasól has within the Catalunya Sud complex, which itself has a total area of 136 hectares.

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