Flexible work in Spain will generate €7.224M per year

Flexible work in Spain will generate €7.224M per year
Regus's Office

Domestically, a new centre will create a total 222 permanent jobs and 126 additional local jobs in the area. The GAV generated by the companies installed in flexible offices will be around 14.98 million euro per year; locally, the net GAV generated by the companies and workers will be 8.36 million euro per year.

The report remarks that Spain is the second country in Europe where suburbs grow the most, with a 139% increase in the last 50 years. Nevertheless, the metropolitan areas will, in 2029, host almost 105.000 workers.

Globally, the study reveals that the growth of flexible work spaces within the suburbs of the main cities will contribute to the development of a flexible economy representing around 229.000 million euro worldwide in the next ten years.

This upward trend is caused mostly by the flexible work policies the big companies have been adopting with the aim of improving the well-being of their employees by allowing them to work closer to home, with the consequent money saving and increase in productivity.

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