Eduardo Ceballos, AECC’s new President

Eduardo Ceballos, AECC’s new President


Eduardo Ceballos joined the Management Board and the Executive Committee in 2012. He was part of Javier Hortelano’s team throughout his term as president and since last year has been the vice-president. Hortelano will remain a member of the AECC’s Executive Committee and Management Board. 

Eduardo Ceballos takes charge of the AECC with the goal of continuing the work started by Javier Hortelano’s team. «I accept this nomination with great enthusiasm and trust in this sector, one of the most dynamic within the Spanish economy» states Ceballos who also ensures that «this industry faces many challenges and our intent is for the AECC to keep answering the concerns within this sector and to help with the shopping centres and retail parks adapt to an ever changing environment».

During the members’ meeting, Dolores Bañón, from Carrefour Property and Laetitia Ferracci, from Unibail Rodamco Westfield, were also nominated as members of the Executive Committee. Alfonso Brunet, from Castellana Properties; Marta Cladera, from Nuveen; Israel Casanova, from Redevco; Rocío Palmero, from Carmila; Sergio García, from Grupo Lar; Eva Pich, from Manubens; Juan José Martín Andújar, from Larry Smith and Augusto Arrochella Lobo, from JLL too were nominated as members of the Executive Committee.

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