DSV invested €80M in two logistic projects in Spain

DSV invested €80M in two logistic projects in Spain

The first is located in Molins de Rei, Barcelona and it should be ready to open by November and the other in Cabanillas Park, Guadalajara, should open during 2022’s third quarter. Both will be equipped with system AutoStore, specialised in performing order preparation processes automatically.

The Barcelona asset will have 18.000 sqm on one floor and 16.000 sqm on the other. It will have two distinct entrances for lorries and a connection to motorways AP-2 and AP-7. It has solar panels on the roof which allowed it to be certified BREEAM Excellent.

The asset in Guadalajara is DSV’s fifth warehouse in the area. It has 50.000 sqm on a single 12 metres high floor, 84 loading docks and four access ramps.

The new assets were developed to boost the company’s ecommerce management. The warehouses will be able to automate picking and packing. It will employ 350 workers, who will be added to the 1.500 it already has working for them in Spain. 15% of DSV’s business comes from ecommerce, a percentage which has been increasing every year.

Currently, DSV has 9 logistic centres in Spain, with a total combined area of 250.000 sq. With the new additions, it will reach 332.000 sqm. The most significant presence is the central area: four assets in Cabanillas (there will be one more) and one in Madrid. It also has a great presence in the Northeast: Molins del Rey, Argentona, Rubí and Subirats.

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