This is a 150 million euro plan which intends to meet the demand for this type of accommodation and the housing prices increase. The idea is to «develop a more daring municipal housing plan», dividing «efforts between the private and the public sectors», stated the mayor, Carlos Carreiras, in an interview to Eco. Part of this plan is focused on student accommodation.
According to Eco, the 430 units offered by the public sector will result from an 18 million euro investment and will be included in new student residences to be built by the municipality, which should open during the next school year. One of the residences will be built at the current Santa Maria do Mar Monastery, in Sassoeiros, and two others at the Bairro dos Pescadores and Bairro Marechal Carmona. These are the units which will have the most affordable prices, between 300 and 450 euro.
This municipal housing plan also includes the creation of around 1.300 affordable housing dwellings to be built by the municipality, which will be added to the 2.600 affordable housing dwellings the municipality already has. The cost will be 130 million euro.