Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from

KCRE takes on the responsibility of managing the assets once the deals are completed. Whether or not a co-investment was made, we manage the assets as if we were the owners. Our team of experts takes care of day-to-day property and financial management following an active portfolio management approach.

KCRE sources, analyzes and evaluates investment opportunities, helping institutional investors and family offices to find adequate real estate investments in Iberia. We make sure that deals go smoothly throughout the whole acquisition phase, and the execution is carried out in accordance with the highest institutional standards.

Player Type
Assets Managers
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Pelayo Primo de Rivera Oriol

Pelayo Primo de Rivera Oriol

Javier Iglesias de Ussel

Javier Iglesias de Ussel


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