Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from

Corpfin Capital is an independent investment group whose main activity is the management of private equity investments in Spain since 1990.

Corpfin Capital Real Estate Partners (CCREP) founded in 2008 is an independent structure for the investment and management of real estate private equity projects, specialized in structuring value added transactions.

From 2009 to 2015, CCREP has positioned itself as a managing company specialized in acquiring prime assets in the Spanish real estate market. Additionally, CCREP has recurrent access to funding.

The investment is carried out in consolidated commercial areas, with first-class tenants, high management and maturation average period between 5 to 7 years. Nowadays, CCREP has advised real estate investments in excess of €600MM.

In addition to real estate activity, Corpfin Capital Group has other business lines for which it dedicates specialized investment teams and vehicles and/or it maintains agreements with strategic experienced partners.


Player Type
Assets Managers
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Carlos Lavilla

Carlos Lavilla

Alberto Curto

Alberto Curto

Álvaro Olivares

Álvaro Olivares

Gorka García

Gorka García

Fernando Trueba

Fernando Trueba

Gabriel Santa Eulalia

Gabriel Santa Eulalia

Enrique Iglesias de Ussel

Enrique Iglesias de Ussel

Andrés López Bech

Andrés López Bech

Simon Martí

Simon Martí

Natividad Sierra

Natividad Sierra

Ecaterina Dumitriu

Ecaterina Dumitriu


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