Last updated: March 26, 2024, 11:48 a.m.

Offers a comprehensive range of services that span the entire real estate lifecycle: Property Development, Transaction, Consulting, Valuation, Property Management and Investment Management. With 5,300 employees supports owners, leaseholders, investors and communities thanks to its local expertise across 23 countries (through its facilities and its Alliance network) in Europe, the Middle-East and Asia.

As a committed stakeholder in sustainable cities, intends to spearhead the transition to more sustainable real estate: low-carbon, resilient, inclusive and conducive to wellbeing. We have developed a CSR policy with 4 objectives: to ethically and responsibly enhance the economic performance and use of buildings; to integrate a low-carbon transition and reduce its environmental footprint; to ensure the development, commitment and well-being of its employees; to be a proactive stakeholder in the sector and to build local initiatives and partnerships.

Player Type
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Borja Ortega

Borja Ortega

Ignacio Martínez-Avial

Ignacio Martínez-Avial

Francisco López Ramón

Francisco López Ramón

Cristina Mendicoa

Cristina Mendicoa

Isabel Martínez-Noriega

Isabel Martínez-Noriega

Pablo Párraga

Pablo Párraga

Ester Pérez

Ester Pérez

Benjamín Gómez

Benjamín Gómez

Fernando Sauras

Fernando Sauras


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