Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
Data collected from | Board members of AEW Europe Financial info regarding reports from September 2020

Sitting in the lobby of AEW’s Boston office is the front end of an Edsel. People, especially clients, often ask about why it is there. Peter Aldrich, one of AEW’s Founders, bought the 1950 relic and placed it in the lobby because he believed it was a great way to let visitors know it would be wise not to stereotype the AEW organization or the people within it. More importantly, though, the Edsel is there to illlustrate the dangers of organizational hubris. The Ford Motor Company, one of America’s most successful organizations, did not listen to their customer when they designed it, and the car was considered a colossal failure. Having the Edsel in the lobby is a constant reminder for all of us to listen to our clients, and to always put them first.

Being our clients' most trusted and effective advisor has made AEW one of the largest real estate asset managers in the world. Since our inception, we have helped investors access real estate investment opportunities through a broad platform of separately managed accounts and open- and closed-end funds. Put our experience to work for you.

In January 2019, AEW has acquired prime office building in Barcelona, Spain, an asset in Vila Olimpica.


Player Type
Assets Managers
Gross rents
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Rob Wilkinson

Rob Wilkinson

Jeff Furber

Jeff Furber

Serge Bataillie

Serge Bataillie

Anne Bergeron

Anne Bergeron

Stephan Boenning

Stephan Boenning

Raphael Brault

Raphael Brault

Russell Jewell

Russell Jewell

Robert Oosterkamp

Robert Oosterkamp

Isabelle Rossignol

Isabelle Rossignol

Vanessa Roux-Collet

Vanessa Roux-Collet

Hans Vrensen

Hans Vrensen


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