Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Temprano CP

Real estate is primarily a local business. Leading real-estate companies understand this; they live and breathe their local market, feeling its rhythm and speaking its language. They understand where it is going and at what pace.

Trends, funding, and buyers are often international, but local knowledge is the seed from which every opportunity grows.

At Temprano Capital Partners, we apply this knowledge to develop and execute strategies aimed at creating and delivering true value. In doing so, we work to create environments that enhance the communities where our projects are located.

Player Type
Assets Managers
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Mariela Martínez

Mariela Martínez

Jonathan Holloway

Jonathan Holloway

Neil Jones

Neil Jones

Enrique Biel Gleeson

Enrique Biel Gleeson

James Preston

James Preston

Laura Romero

Laura Romero

Jose Quintela

Jose Quintela

Timothy Young

Timothy Young

Jamie Rea

Jamie Rea

Vicente Rámon

Vicente Rámon

Alexander Bache

Alexander Bache


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