Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
Data collected from Témpore Properties and MAB | Financial info from 2019

Property investment company

Témpore Properties is a SOCIMI (REIT- Real Estate Investment Trust), the main activity of which is the acquisition and management of residential properties for rent. The properties of Témpore come from the portfolio acquired by the Management Company for Assets Arising from the Banking Sector Reorganisation (Sareb).

Today, the portfolio of Témpore is made up of 2,228 residential assets in Catalonia, the Community of Madrid, Community of Valencia, Andalusia, La Rioja, Murcia, Balearic Islands and Castilla la Mancha.
The aim of the company is to undertake the efficient management of its assets, which places it as one of the benchmark operators nationally and to contribute to professionalising and consolidating the rental market in Spain. Today, Témpore is in third place of Spain REIT ranking by housing portfolio.

Player Type
Last Quotation
Main Listed Market
Number of Shares Issued
Free Float
1.0 %
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Michael Abel

Michael Abel

Matthew Coleman

Matthew Coleman

Dan Valenzano

Dan Valenzano

Jonathan Farrell

Jonathan Farrell

Juan Ramón Dios Rial

Juan Ramón Dios Rial

Nicolás Díaz Saldaña

Nicolás Díaz Saldaña

Rafael de Mena Arenas

Rafael de Mena Arenas


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