Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
Data collected from Savills Aguirre Newman | No info available about the board members

Savills Aguirre Newman is a real estate consultancy firm with 30 years of experience in the Spanish market and more than 150 years in the international market, both are specialists in creating bespoke solutions for all real estate needs.

We lead the Spanish market, delivering end-to-end advisory services tailored to meet each client’s individual needs. Our work ethic is based on integrating our transaction advisory, management, consultancy and architecture services into every market that we operate in (offices, retail, logistics, hotels and residential), always with an entrepreneurial spirit that allows us to provide the highest standards of client care.

The company forms part of Savills plc, one of the leading global real estate service providers, with more than 35,000 employees and a network of over 600 offices and associates throughout the Americas, Europe, South East Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Savills is listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Savills Aguirre Newman is the leading real estate consultancy firm in Spain. By joining forces, we are bringing together the expert qualities that each company offers, combining an in-depth knowledge of the local and global market with experience, specialisation and an entrepreneurial approach to assist our clients with all their real estate needs wherever they might be.

Player Type
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Alejandro Campoy

Alejandro Campoy

Luis Espadas

Luis Espadas

Juan Carlos Fierro Domecq

Juan Carlos Fierro Domecq

Gonzalo Zambrano Muñoz

Gonzalo Zambrano Muñoz

Alfonso Arroyo

Alfonso Arroyo

Jesús Mateo MRICS

Jesús Mateo MRICS

Susana Rodríguez García

Susana Rodríguez García

Leyre Octavio de Toledo

Leyre Octavio de Toledo

Antonio Pleguezuelo

Antonio Pleguezuelo

Pelayo Barroso Olazábal

Pelayo Barroso Olazábal

David García de Jaén

David García de Jaén


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