Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Patron Capital

Patron Capital Advisers LLP (Patron) acts as the investment advisor to the Patron Capital funds (Funds) and other significant sources of capital for investment opportunities throughout Europe.

Through our clients, partners and Funds we have the capacity to invest over $10 billion in assets.

Patron's strategy is to back local partners and management teams in growing their respective business, investing in property, corporate operating entities, credit related businesses and debt related instruments, whose value is primarily supported by property assets and is typically driven by a liquidity event with one of the existing parties.

Our website is designed to help local partners and investors in the Funds to know more about Patron and the status of investments of the Funds.

Player Type
Assets Managers
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Keith Breslauer

Keith Breslauer

Shane Law

Shane Law

Mark Collins

Mark Collins

Kevin Cooke

Kevin Cooke

Jonatas Szkurnik

Jonatas Szkurnik

Michael Capaccio

Michael Capaccio

Stephen Green

Stephen Green


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