Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from ORES Socimi and MAB | Financial info from 2020 Net earnings = resultado consolidado del periodo EBITDA = resultado de explotación

The main business of ORES SOCIMI is the acquisition and management of commercial real estate assets in Spain and Portugal.

The company has its shares incorporated for trading on the Spanish Mercado Alternativo Bursátil (Alternative Investment Market) and is a Spanish public limited company operating under the special SOCIMI (real estate investment trust) tax regime (11/2009 Act of 26th October, modified by the 16/2012 Act).

The objective of ORES Socimi is to acquire commercial real estate assets with long-term growth potential in the Spanish and Portuguese markets.

Sonae Sierra will be the real estate administrator of the Socimi, with over 25 years’ experience in the field. The company is responsible for 81 shopping centres with a total GLA of 2.3 million m2, 45 of which are owned by them, with a value of 6 billion euros. They also have an established platform and local teams, both in Spain and Portugal.

The main objective of ORES Socimi is to generate value for its clients through the long-term management of commercial real estate assets, using the knowledge and experience of its administrators Bankinter and Sonae Sierra.

Player Type
Last Quotation
Gross Asset Value
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Number of Shares Issued
Free Float
0.1 %
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Fernando Moreno Marcos

Fernando Moreno Marcos

Jaime Íñigo Guerra Azcona

Jaime Íñigo Guerra Azcona

Javier Nieto Jáuregui

Javier Nieto Jáuregui

Alexandre Fernandes

Alexandre Fernandes

Javier Sánchez Calvo

Javier Sánchez Calvo

Iñigo Dago Elorza

Iñigo Dago Elorza


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