Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
Data collected from Nyesa | Financial info from 2018

Nyesa Valores Corporación, SA is the legal head of the group of companies, Grupo Nyesa, whose activity is focused on urban development and management, real estate development and wealth management. It has a presence in Spain and has a clear vocation for international expansion that has led it to address real estate projects in several countries of the world.

Grupo Nyesa has as its main mission the implementation and management of national and international real estate assets through the creation, management and revitalization of first-order architectural spaces , with which to meet the most demanding demands of investors and buyers, maximizing their profitability . The Group is present in Spain, Costa Rica and Russia and has a staff of 74 employees.

Being a Group whose activity has been historically adapting to the needs and the market situation, it is currently immersed in the development of a new business plan focusing on the management of finished and leased real estate assets and the development of large projects National and international. For this, it has a sound heritage structure and a management management team, with extensive professional experience at the highest level in the sector and extensive knowledge of the market and the needs of the agents involved in it, which has implemented an ambitious business strategy based mainly on three lines:

  • In the real estate area , where the creation of value, of own assets is sought through the commercialization of all types of real estate products.​

  • In the equity area ,  through the identification and acquisition of the best assets in the sector, in order to achieve an optimal and diversified portfolio of offices, hotels, commercial spaces and homes to generate recurring income for the Group.​

  • In the international area , thanks to the expansion and development of complete projects for the creation and promotion of urban spaces of exceptional quality in emerging international markets, always seeking the highest returns for investors and stakeholders.

Player Type
Qualified Investors
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Michel Lallement

Michel Lallement

Liberto Campillo Molina

Liberto Campillo Molina


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