Last updated: May 9, 2024, 9:06 a.m.
Data collected from MLGTS

Morais Leitão is a full-service law firm with headquarters in Lisbon and offices in Porto and offices in Oporto and Funchal, and in Singapore. Internationally recognised as the leading full-service law firm in Portugal, its reputation is based on the excellence of the legal services provided, rigour and innovative solutions. It is the exclusive member of Lex Mundi for Portugal and, through the Morais Leitão Legal Circle network, has partnerships with leading law firms in Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique.

Player Type
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
João Torroaes Valente

João Torroaes Valente

João Pereira Reis

João Pereira Reis


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