Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
Data collected from Medical Properties Trust | Financial info from 2018

Medical Properties Trust, Inc. bridges the gap between the growing demand for high-quality healthcare and the ability to deliver it cost-effectively. Specializing in acute care, community and rehabilitation hospitals, this healthcare real estate investment trust (REIT) provides operators access to capital for facility improvements, technology upgrades, staff additions and new construction through long-term net leases of real estate assets. By reinvesting non-earning assets into operations, MPT clients are able to participate in the growth of the largest sector of the U.S. economy.

Medical Properties Trust, Inc. is a different kind of real estate investment trust - by design.

MPT has carved a unique niche in the largest and fastest-growing segment of the U.S. economy. Unlike other real estate investment trusts - even those categorized as healthcare REITs - MPT focuses exclusively on providing capital to acute care facilities of all kinds through long-term triple-net leases. And, unlike other sources of capital, MPT provides 100 percent financing to reduce an organization's overall cost of capital by unlocking the value of its real estate assets.

By allowing healthcare operators to tap the value of their real estate and channel that capital into facility improvements, technology upgrades, staff additions and even new construction, MPT bridges the gap between the growing demand for high-quality healthcare and the ability to deliver it efficiently and cost-effectively.  In essence, MPT enables hospitals to increase their returns from what they know best - operations.

Edward K. Aldag, Jr. and the management team he carefully assembled have parlayed his vision for a new kind of healthcare REIT into a model for efficient healthcare delivery. Given the nature of the marketplace and expectations for healthcare spending to rise to 20 percent of GDP by 2024, MPT's formula and timing appear to have been just right.

By implementing its solid business model and deploying the talent of a diverse management team that understands the nuances of healthcare financing and healthcare operations, MPT has managed to grow its assets to more than $6 billion in a little over 10 years. And the company's prospects for continued growth and diversification remain strong.

Player Type
Last Quotation
Gross Asset Value$
Main Listed Market
Free Float
0.0 %
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Edward K. Aldag, Jr.

Edward K. Aldag, Jr.

R. Steven Hamner

R. Steven Hamner

Emmett E. McLean

Emmett E. McLean


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