Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from

Founded by Jorge Guarner and Oaktree Capital Management (OCM), Healthcare Activos supports operators in their growth and innovation strategy using our financial and technical expertise, ultimately resulting in theimprovement of the care to the patient.

Based on the combination of capabilities and experience of OCM (over $100,000 million of assets under management, 18 property investment platforms created in Europe since 2009 with a turnover of over 3,000 million euros) and our management team, Healthcare Activos has a broad and unique expertise in health and real estate. That allows us to have significant investment potential with an unrivalled view of the market and the ability to access opportunities outside the market, through the company’s extensive network of contacts and relationships in the sector.

This facilitates our understanding of the goals, optimises processes and maximises the return on investment, while reducing the risk in the operations.

Player Type
Assets Managers
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Jorge Guarner

Jorge Guarner

Albert Fernández

Albert Fernández

Thierry Igonin

Thierry Igonin

Olga Alonso

Olga Alonso

Miki Domenech

Miki Domenech

Juan Pedro Vergara

Juan Pedro Vergara

Román Gallofré

Román Gallofré


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