Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
Data collected from Grupo Cajamar | Financial info from 2018

The Cajamar Cooperative Group is a consolidated group of credit institutions authorized and qualified as an institutional protection system (SIP) by the Bank of Spain. It is currently made up of 19 entities: Cooperative Credit Bank (parent entity), Cajamar Caja Rural, Caixa Rural Torrent, Caixa Rural de Vila-real, Caixaltea, Caixa Rural Burriana, Caixa Rural Nules, Caixacallosa, Caixapetrer, Caixaalqueries, Caixa Rural San Vicent Ferrer de Vall d'Uixó, Caja Rural de Cheste, Caixa Rural d'Alginet, Caja Rural de Villar, Caixaturís, Caixa Rural Vilavella, Caixa Rural de Almenara, Caixa Rural Vilafamés and Caixa Rural Xilxes.

It is the benchmark financial group of cooperative banking in Spain, with 3.4 million customers and 1.4 million members, 962 offices and 5,486 employees. As of September 30, 2019, it has assets amounting to 45,621 million euros, a managed turnover 77,168 million euros, solvency ratio of 14.83% and its phased in CET1 ratio of 13.14%. It is present in 43 provinces of Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Catalonia, Valencian Community, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Madrid, Navarra and Region of Murcia, as well as in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

In the new European Banking Union, the Cajamar Cooperative Group, due to its size and volume of assets, is considered one of the 12 significant entities of the Spanish financial system, and as such its supervision corresponds to the Single Supervisory Mechanism (MUS), formed by the European Central Bank and the competent national authorities of the participating countries.

Player Type
Qualified Investors
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Luis Rodríguez González

Luis Rodríguez González

Marta de Castro Aparicio

Marta de Castro Aparicio

Manuel Yebra Sola

Manuel Yebra Sola


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