Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Elaia Investment Spain and MAB | Financial info from 2019

Elaia Investment Spain, Socimi, S.A. (“EIS”) is a Spanish real estate investment vehicle (REIT) focused on tourism real estate assets and subject to the SOCIMI spanish tax regime.

EIS was set up in December 2015 and manages a portfolio composed of tourism and residential assets, valuing more than €192.5 millions as at June 30th, 2018. The company was floated on the Spanish stock exchange (MAB) during the last quarter of 2017.

EIS has an initial investment target of €280 millions allocated between tourism properties (80%) and residential properties (20%) in Spain. As of today, the portfolio is composed of 15 assets for a total committed investment cost of €212 millions.

Since the beginning of its activity, EIS has been implementing a value generation strategy, including repositioning the acquired assets by refurbishment projects, just like the implementation of partnerships with top-tier European operators. In August 2017, Batipart Immo Long Terme (Batipart Group) has acquired from Eurosic a 66% stake in EIS, thus becoming its major shareholder. This operation will enable EIS to pursue its investments and become a reference player on the Spanish tourism real estate market.
Player Type
Last Quotation
Gross Asset Value
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Number of Shares Issued
Free Float
1.0 %
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Philippine Derycke

Philippine Derycke

Yan Perchet

Yan Perchet

Nicolas Ruggieri

Nicolas Ruggieri

Raphael Andrieu

Raphael Andrieu

Jean Louis Charon

Jean Louis Charon

Nicolas Boulet

Nicolas Boulet

Jean-Pierre Quatrhomme

Jean-Pierre Quatrhomme

Alain Ansaldi

Alain Ansaldi

Javier Gomez Ramos

Javier Gomez Ramos


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