Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from DF Duro Felguera | Financial info from 2017

DF is a company specializing in executing turnkey projects for the energy, industrial and Oil & Gas sectors; it is also well-known as a supplier of specialized services for industries and as an expert manufacturer of capital goods.

With over 150 years' experience in industrial activities, DF is currently engaged in carrying out integrated projects for the construction of all kinds of power generation plants, mineral treatment and bulk-handling facilities, fuel storage plants and other facilities and installations for the Oil & Gas industry. The company executes all the processes required for the successful completion of the projects: engineering, supply, erection, commissioning, operation and maintenance.

In the services area, DF specializes in the erection of energy and industrial facilities, in addition to the operation and maintenance thereof.

The manufacturing branch of the company designs and makes large pressure equipment for the petrochemical industry, track switches and crossings, and other industrial equipment.

DF is based in Gijón (Asturias - Spain), although it boasts extensive international  experience in project execution. It has completed significant energy and industrial projects in various countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

DF's experience and capacity has qualified the company to obtain the support of the main worldwide technology suppliers in the field of energy and industry (General Electric, Siemens-Westinghouse, Alstom Power, Mitsubishi, etc) for the joint execution of several projects in various countries across the globe.

Experience, talent, quality and the capacity to adapt to market changes and fluctuations have made DF a company of international repute in the highly regarded field of turnkey projects.

Player Type
Qualified Investors
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Acacio F. Rodríguez García

Acacio F. Rodríguez García

Javier García Laza

Javier García Laza

Mr. José María Orihuela Uzal

Mr. José María Orihuela Uzal

Juan José Herrero Rodríguez

Juan José Herrero Rodríguez

José Carlos Cuevas de Miguel

José Carlos Cuevas de Miguel

Luis M. Deza Gordo

Luis M. Deza Gordo

Secundino Felgueroso Fuentes

Secundino Felgueroso Fuentes


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