Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Conren Tramway

Real estate investment and asset management group

Our firm is a privately held real estate investment and asset management business based in Barcelona, Spain.

We act as investors and managers of core plus and value added real estate investments and developments in the Spanish office market. In addition, we also have a selective interest in residential and mixed-use properties.

Our activities focus on the main Spanish urban markets of Madrid and Barcelona and on key secondary cities.

We have a flexible investment mandate and are backed by a large and diverse pool of first class international private and institutional investors.

Our investment strategies and process aim to produce above average, stable investment returns across real estate cycles.

Player Type
Assets Managers
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Paco Hugas

Paco Hugas

Clemens Hörter

Clemens Hörter

Jaime E. Hugas

Jaime E. Hugas


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