Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Banca March | Financial info from 2017

Banca March is the only Spanish bank that is 100% family owned, specialising in Private Banking and Business consultancy, with an unrivalled business model based on prudence and long-term relations.

Our internationally recognized experience allows us to offer a differentiated advice and asset management service.

We know the best way to grow is by helping our customers grow. The ultimate expression of this commitment is our array of joint investment products, a range of assets in which we invest alongside our clients.

We offer you a distinctive financial advice service based on closeness and a deep knowledge of your needs. A methodology that will enable us to have detailed information about your objectives so we can draw up together the most appropriate investment plan to achieve them.

You will always be guided by your personal adviser, a highly qualified specialist who will provide you with all technical resources available at the bank in order to ensure success.

Player Type
Qualified Investors
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Mr. Juan March de la Lastra

Mr. Juan March de la Lastra

Mrs. Rita Rodríguez Arrojo

Mrs. Rita Rodríguez Arrojo

Mr. José Luis Acea Rodríguez

Mr. José Luis Acea Rodríguez


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