Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Alantra | Financial info from 2017

Alantra is a global mid-market firm with 345 professionals that is present in the main financial centres across Europe, US, Asia and Latin America.

Alantra is a global mid-market investment banking and asset management firm.

Player Type
Assets Managers
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Mr. Santiago Eguidazu Mayor

Mr. Santiago Eguidazu Mayor

Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet

Mr. Santiago Bergareche Busquet

Mr. Alfred Merton Vinton

Mr. Alfred Merton Vinton

Mr. José Javier Carretero Manzano

Mr. José Javier Carretero Manzano

Mr. Luis Carlos Croissier Batista

Mr. Luis Carlos Croissier Batista

Mrs. María Garaña Corces

Mrs. María Garaña Corces

Mr. Josep Piqué Camps

Mr. Josep Piqué Camps

Mr. Jorge Mataix Entero

Mr. Jorge Mataix Entero

Mr. José Antonio Abad Zorrilla

Mr. José Antonio Abad Zorrilla


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