Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:30 p.m.

Operating in Portugal since 2005, Ageas is betting on the country as one of the main markets, where it intends to develop, through strong partnerships and contributing to the development of the country and society through the Ageas Foundation and helping Customers to manage, anticipate and protect themselves against risks and unforeseen events, so that they can live the present and the future with maximum security and serenity.

The Ageas Portugal Group's mission is to provide an emotional and relevant experience in people's lives, being a reference partner in insurance and the best workplace for entrepreneurs. For this, we have 1,281 Employees and 2,722 Brokers to provide an excellent service to approximately 1.7 million Customers of the various commercial brands: Ageas Seguros, Ageas Pensões, Médis, Ocidental and Seguro Directo.

Player Type
Qualified Investors
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Stefan Braekeveldt

Stefan Braekeveldt


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